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December 13, 2022
Clock Icon - orbit
 min read

Our 40% increase 🚀

So… how did we do it? how did we grow by 40% in Y2?…

Our 40% increase 🚀

So… how did we do it? how did we grow by 40% in Y2?… We have fantastic foundations as orbit’s senior leadership team has a long established reputation in executive search, building start-ups and awesome places to work, which, has has helped us to develop a unique system that enables us to deliver the quality of an executive search assignment at scale across all other roles within a business, helping companies to attract, hire and retain technical talent 🚀

…and yes, this year we have a shiny new tech focused brand in orbit, we also have our new(ish) orbit-brain 🧠 (powered by notion), we also have fully mapped processes for every area of the business, a routine of continuous improvement, self-training and a growing knowledge hub full of exceptional material. Thank you Charlie (👩‍🚀)

We have also embraced the use of technology, we use AI to speed up and improve quality in our sourcing; and we use automation & collaboration technology to remove waste from our hiring processes. Most importantly we work as a team (not cliche), that is able to deliver at speeds by working in squads and sourcing in sprints, keeping open and clear communication channels and collaborating to maximise efficiency, in turn optimising hiring process to increase the number of successful hires. We developed our own blueprint to assist…

and to think we are only really just getting started. Introducing our orbit sourcing blueprint 🧙

The orbit sourcing blueprint 🧙‍♂️

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